All great points. I think there are some other complications with covid-related things, namely a lack of endgame and an inability to discussion many things honestly. But another big one that does not just affect covid-related matters is "turf war" stuff. Various groups---bureaucracies, consultants, whatever, are interested in having as much influence as possible, and guarding their own procedures, which is a myopic focus. There's no big picture view. It's not all that things just accumulate in an effort to keep the system stable, but that the government expands and forms more committees, who think mainly about protecting and expanding their own turf. The 51-question website probably resulted from consultants' desire to make it sophisticated, to prove their own value.

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I agree. Internal turf wars are common to all bureaucratic organisations but especially harmful when the organisation itself faces no meaningful external competition or risk of failure (which is the position the govt or many large corporations are in today).

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